4 mins. read

Managing work while caring for someone with cancer

Our cancer nurse specialists share their advice for juggling work and caring, and how to get extra support

Managing work whilst caring for someone with cancer

Key Takeaways

  • You don’t have to tell your employer you are a carer, but by letting them know, you might be able to arrange flexible working or paid or unpaid leave
  • If you need extra support, reach out to friends, family, charities and other organisations. They might be able to help with practical tasks or provide temporary care.
  • Remember to take time for yourself to rest and to do things you enjoy

Balancing work and your personal life can be difficult, but if you are also a carer for a loved one with cancer, juggling it all can be particularly challenging. However, there are things you can do and options available that can help. This guide offers ways to cope with work and caring for someone with cancer, and how you can get additional support if you need it.

Balancing work and caring for someone with cancer

Finding out that someone you love has cancer can have a big impact on your life. Alongside the emotions it can cause, you can also find yourself stepping into a caring role while still working and managing your personal life. 

If you aren’t sure how to balance it all, you aren’t alone. Here are some things you can do to help prevent yourself becoming overwhelmed:

  • Make use of organisational tools: If you aren’t already using a planner, then this could be a good way of helping you keep track of your work schedule, your loved one’s appointments, and other things you need to do. It doesn’t even have to be a physical diary; you can use the calendar on your phone or an online app instead.
  • Be realistic about how long thinks take: Give yourself enough time to get things done and avoid overscheduling yourself.
  • Learn to say ‘no’: This can be hard if you are usually an accommodating person, but it’s ok to turn down invitations or tell your manager that you can’t take on extra duties or do overtime.
  • Care for yourself: It can be easy to ignore your own needs and put work and caring duties ahead of your own wellbeing, but this isn’t sustainable. Ensure you get enough sleep, fuel your body, and make time for rest and leisure.
  • Consider your options: Think about whether you can change your role or working hours, even if only temporarily. Also, consider how you can create a support network for yourself. The more in control you feel of your schedule, the less pressure you are likely to feel.

Getting extra support

Being an unpaid carer can be hard and it’s completely normal if you find yourself struggling. If you need emotional, financial, or practical support when caring for someone with cancer, there are places you can go and people you can turn to.

Family and friends can be great sources of support. Try reaching out to them to see if they can lend a hand. They might be able to help with household chores, cook a meal or run errands such as picking up a prescription. If there’s something specific you need help with, don’t be frightened to ask; the other person can then decide if they have the capacity to accept your request.

There are a range of charities and organisations that can also provide advice and support. For example, Macmillan has an online community and organises local events that provide emotional support for carers. Marie Curie cancer nurses can provide in-home support for end-of-life care and their families.

If you are a carer for more than 35 hours a week, you may also be eligible for financial support in the form of a carer’s allowance.

If you aren’t sure of what support you need or are entitled to, organisations like Carers UK and Maggie’s have plenty of accessible information and people that you can talk to.

While we have ensured that every article is medically reviewed and approved, information presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to one of our healthcare professionals or your primary healthcare team.